

CyHRMA Annual Conference & Expo | 24 May 2017
Nicosia, Filoxenia Conference Centre

Be part of the largest and best HR Event in Cyprus!

Για άλλη μια χρονιά, το Ετήσιο Συνέδριο του Κυπριακού Συνδέσμου Διεύθυνσης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού στέφθηκε με μεγάλη επιτυχία. Το Συνέδριο αποτελεί πλέον θεσμό στα επιχειρηματικά δρώμενα της Κύπρου και αναγνωρίζεται ως μία από τις σημαντικότερες και χρήσιμες εκδηλώσεις του τομέα της Διεύθυνσης, Ανάπτυξης και Αξιοποίησης του Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού.

Φέτος, το Συνέδριο έλαβε χώρα στις 24 Μαΐου 2017 στο Συνεδριακό Κέντρο Φιλοξενία στη Λευκωσία, με την παρουσία της έντιμης Υπουργού Εργασίας, Πρόνοιας και Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων, κας Ζέτας Αιμιλιανίδου, σωρεία εκλεκτών προσκεκλημένων και πέραν των 150 Σύνεδρων.

Το Συνέδριο φιλοξένησε προοδευτικούς ομιλητές από την Κύπρο και το εξωτερικό και προσέφερε ευκαιρίες δικτύωσης με συναδέλφους από οργανισμούς όλων των τύπων σε ένα οικείο περιβάλλον καθώς και μια συναρπαστική ΕΚΘΕΣΗ με λύσεις και υπηρεσίες του τομέα της Διεύθυνσης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού.

Το Συνέδριο ξεκίνησε με καλωσόρισμα από τους Συν – Προέδρους του Συνεδρίου, κο Παναγιώτη Θρασυβούλου, Γραμματέα του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου του Συνδέσμου και κα Μιράντα Αρχοντίδου, Μέλος της Επιτροπής Συνεδρίου. Ακολούθησε χαιρετισμός από τον Πρόεδρο του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου, κο Γιώργο Παντελίδη, ο οποίος καλωσόρισε τους συμμετέχοντες και τους ευχαρίστησε για την παρουσία τους σε αυτό το σημαντικό γεγονός για τον Σύνδεσμο. Ευχαρίστησε την Υπουργό για την παρουσία της στο Συνέδριο καθώς και για την απόφαση του Υπουργείου να θέσει το Συνέδριο υπό την αιγίδα του. Η αναγνώριση αυτή είναι πολύ σημαντική και αποτελεί κορυφαίο γεγονός για το Ετήσιο Συνέδριό μας.

Ο Πρόεδρος έπειτα, κάλεσε στο βήμα την κα Ζέτα Αιμιλιανίδου. Η Υπουργός ανέφερε ότι ο Σύνδεσμος αποτελεί πολύτιμη ευκαιρία μάθησης, δικτύωσης και ενημέρωσης για τις τελευταίες καινοτομίες και τις τάσεις του τομέα της Διεύθυνσης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού. Στο σύγχρονο εργασιακό περιβάλλον αναγνωρίζεται η επένδυση στο ανθρώπινο δυναμικό για τη λειτουργία μιας επιχείρησης. Ο ανθρώπινος παράγοντας αποτελεί τον πολυτιμότερο πόρο μιας επιχείρησης και καλείται να συγκεντρώσει πολλαπλές ικανότητες όπως ευελιξία, ικανότητα προσαρμογής στις μεταβαλλόμενες συνθήκες, έφεση στην επίλυση προβλημάτων και στη συνεχή μάθηση όπως και στην ικανότητα για ομαδική εργασία και ευχέρεια στην επικοινωνία. Οι εταιρίες βρίσκονται αντιμέτωπες με πολλαπλές προκλήσεις που ενισχύουν την ανάγκη της αλλαγής και βελτίωσης της αποτελεσματικότητας του ανθρώπινου δυναμικού. Η Υπουργός ανέφερε ότι η Κύπρος σήμερα βιώνει μια σταθερή οικονομική ανάκαμψη και ανάπτυξη. Ο ρυθμός ανεργίας παρουσιάζει σταθερή καθοδική τάση και ότι οι νέοι μπορούν να βλέπουν με αισιοδοξία το μέλλον. Η κυβέρνηση παραμένει προσανατολισμένη στην αύξηση της ανάπτυξης όπως και στη συνεχή δημιουργία περισσότερων κα ποιοτικότερων θέσεων εργασίας. Το Υπουργείο συνεχίζει τις προσπάθειές του, μέσω της προώθησης κατάλληλων πολιτικών και μέτρων, για τη μείωση της ανεργίας, ενίσχυση της απασχολησιμότητας των ανέργων και των εργαζομένων, στήριξη δημιουργίας νέων θέσεων εργασίας, βελτίωση συστημάτων πρόνοιας. Επίσης, η Υπουργός ανέφερε ότι θα μελετήσει το αίτημα του Συνδέσμου για συμμετοχή στο Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο της ΑνΑΔ.

Κύριος ομιλητής του Συνεδρίου ήταν ο κος David  Alan  Conradie , Partner, Human Capital Advisory Services στην Deloitte Consulting S.r.l. Η ομιλία του με τίτλο «Το Μέλλον της Διεύθυνσης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού σε μια Ψηφιακή Εποχή» , κάλυψε τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας της Deloitte “2017 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends Survey”. Δόθηκε έμφαση σε 10 τομείς που εντοπίστηκαν μέσω της έρευνας, στους οποίους οι οργανισμοί θα πρέπει να καλύψουν το χάσμα μεταξύ του ρυθμού της αλλαγής και της πρόκλησης της διοίκησης, οργάνωσης, διαχείρισης του εργατικού δυναμικού του 21 ου αιώνα. Δόθηκαν παραδείγματα καινοτόμων λύσεων για την αντιμετώπιση των προκλήσεων της νέας ψηφιακής πραγματικότητας.

Ακολούθησε η ομιλία του κου Αντώνιου Δάσκου , Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος & Master Trainer στην DOOR Training & Consulting Greece – Cyprus. Η παρουσίασή του HR Training  Metrics εμπεριείχε τις βασικότερες μετρήσεις της ΔΑΔ και Εκπαίδευσης που πρέπει να χρησιμοποιεί ένας οργανισμός.

Μετά το τέλος της ομιλίας του, πραγματοποιήθηκε ένα σύντομο διάλειμμα στον χώρο της Έκθεσης.

Ακολούθησε η ομιλία «Οι Τρέχουσες Προκλήσεις των Οργανισμών στην Εργατική Νομοθεσία» από τον κο Στυλιανό Ν. Χριστοφόρου, Managing Partner στην εταιρία Stylianos Christoforou & Co. LLC. Ο κος Χριστοφόρου ανέλυσε, με βάση την εμπειρία του, τα πέντε πιο συνηθισμένα και δυσνόητα θέματα που αφορούν την εργασιακή νομοθεσία: 1) Χειρισμός παραπόνων των εργαζομένων, 2) Διαχείριση υποθέσεων απάτης, 3) Τερματισμός απασχόλησης, 4) Μεταβίβαση επιχειρήσεων, 5) Απόκρυψη ρητρών στα συμβόλαια. Ακολούθως, οι συμμετέχοντες είχαν την ευκαιρία να συζητήσουν θέματα που αφορούν την εργασιακή νομοθεσία.

Η επόμενη ομιλήτρια ήταν η κα Μαρίνα Ιωάννου-Χασάπη , Διευθύντρια του Τμήματος Εργασιακών Σχέσεων με θέμα «Πιστοποίηση ‘Εργοδότης Ισότητας των Φύλων’» . Το Τμήμα Εργασιακών Σχέσεων έχει αναλάβει την προώθηση του Εθνικού Φορέα Πιστοποίησης Επιχειρήσεων για την εφαρμογή Καλών Πρακτικών για την Ισότητα των Φύλων στο εργασιακό περιβάλλον. Στόχος του Φορέα είναι η Πιστοποίηση επιχειρήσεων που εφαρμόζουν πολιτικές που διασφαλίζουν στο προσωπικό τους συνθήκες ισότητας των δύο φύλων και συμφιλίωσης της επαγγελματικής και οικογενειακής ζωής. Κάθε οργανισμός μπορεί να πιστοποιηθεί είτε ως Εργοδότης Ισότητας και να εφαρμόσει ένα ολοκληρωμένο σύστημα ισότητας των φύλων είτε να πιστοποιηθεί για μια Καλή Πρακτική (“Best Practice”). Μέχρι σήμερα βραβεύτηκαν 40 επιχειρήσεις. Οι 19 έλαβαν το Πιστοποιητικό Εργοδότης Ισότητας και οι υπόλοιπες έχουν πιστοποιηθεί για Καλές Πρακτικές. Η κα Ιωάννου-Χασάπη αναφέρθηκε στα κριτήρια Πιστοποίησης Εργοδότης Ισότητας, παραδείγματα Καλών Πρακτικών καθώς και στους λόγους που πρέπει μια εταιρεία να πιστοποιηθεί. Ακολούθησε σύντομη παρουσίαση από τρεις εταιρίες που απέκτησαν την Πιστοποίηση Εργοδότης Ισότητας (Crowne Plaza Limassol, Cyproman Services Ltd, LGS Handling Ltd).

Ακολούθησαν τρεις ομιλίες με βασικό θέμα τη Διαχείριση των Ταλέντων. Στο βήμα ανέβηκε η κα Πολυξένη Κιούρη, Διευθύντρια Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού στην NESTLE ΕΛΛΑΣ ΑΕ. Μέσα από την ομιλία της με τίτλο «Nestle Needs Youth – η Παγκόσμια Πρωτοβουλία της Nestle για τη Νεανική Απασχολησιμότητα» , η κα Κιούρη αναφέρθηκε στην πρωτοβουλία της Nestle που προωθεί τη δημιουργία θέσεων εργασίας καθώς και την ενίσχυση και ανάπτυξη των δεξιοτήτων και απασχολησιμότητας των νέων. Η πρωτοβουλία αυτή κινητοποιεί εταιρίες και μη κυβερνητικούς οργανισμούς να ενώσουν τις δυνάμεις τους και να στηρίξουν περαιτέρω τη νεολαία.

Ακολούθησε η ομιλία “Talents Empowerment Retail STEP FORWARD!” από τον κο Δημήτρη   Σταυρόπουλο, Talent Acquisition & Development Manager στην Public (Retail World SA). Ο κος Σταυρόπουλος αναφέρθηκε στους κύριους πυλώνες της στρατηγικής διαχείρισης της απόδοσης: Συνεχής και Ειλικρινής Ανατροφοδότηση, Ομαδική Συνεργασία, Προώθηση των Αποτελεσμάτων της Αξιολόγησης της Απόδοσης, Coaching.

Ο επόμενος ομιλητής ήταν ο κος Γρηγόρης Σωφρονίου, Senior Consultant Learning Development στην Lidl Cyprus. Μέσα από την ομιλία «Δυναμικός Διευθυντής Καταστήματος: Αναπτύσσοντας τους Ηγέτες των Καταστημάτων μας», ο κος Σωφρονίου αναφέρθηκε στα τέσσερα βήματα του προγράμματος: 1) Ποιος θέλουμε να είναι ο νέος Διευθυντής Καταστήματος, 2) Πού βρισκόμαστε σήμερα, 3) Εξατομικευμένο Σχέδιο Ανάπτυξης και 4) Εκπαίδευση & Ανάπτυξη.

Έπειτα ακολούθησε γεύμα για τους συμμετέχοντες δίνοντας και πάλι την ευκαιρία για δικτύωση.

Το υπόλοιπο του Συνεδρίου ολοκληρώθηκε με δύο παρουσιάσεις με βασικό θέμα την Ευημερία στον Χώρο Εργασίας. Στο βήμα ανέβηκε η κα Βαλεντίνα Τουμάνιου, Λειτουργός Στρατηγικής Διαχείρισης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού στο Τεχνολογικό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου. Η παρουσίασή της είχε θέμα «Εξισορρόπηση Επαγγελματικής και Προσωπικής ζωής στο Τεχνολογικό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου» και έκανε αναφορά σε τρεις κύριους πυλώνες: 1) Διαδικασίες, 2) Εφαρμογή Πρακτικών και Πολιτικών και 3) Φιλοσοφία Οργανισμού. Η κα Τουμάνιου τόνισε ότι επιθυμία του Πανεπιστημίου είναι οι άνθρωποί του να είναι υγιείς. Στόχος του Πανεπιστημίου η δημιουργία ενός υποστηρικτικού περιβάλλοντος που να προσφέρει στους εργαζομένους έλεγχο στη ζωή τους καθώς και να αντλούν ικανοποίηση.

Τελευταίος ομιλητής ήταν ο κος Graham  Nugent, Διευθυντής της MANDEVCO International Ltd με την ομιλία Manage   Your   Stressors Escape   the   Squeeze Unlock   the   Chains Breather Free  . Ο κος Nugent αναφέρθηκε στους τρόπους με τους οποίους μπορεί το άγχος να αντιμετωπιστεί και πώς μπορεί να βελτιωθεί η ποιότητα της ζωής του ατόμου. Οι πέντε τρόποι συνοψίζονται στο “C.R.E.D.O.”: Communicate, Relax, Exercise, Diet, Orga nise.

Ακολούθησε το κλείσιμο του Συνεδρίου το απόγευμα.

Ευχαριστούμε θερμά όλους τους Χορηγούς και Εκθέτες του Συνεδρίου 2017. Η συμβολή τους υπήρξε καθοριστική στη δημιουργία ενός αξέχαστου Συνεδρίου: Deloitte Ltd (Gold Sponsor), Cyprus International Institute of Management και DeltaSoft Ltd (Silver Sponsors), Ομοσπονδία Εργοδοτών και Βιομηχάνων (Υποστηρικτής).

Οι Εκθέτες με αλφαβητική σειρά υπήρξαν οι: British Council (Cyprus), Cyprus International Institute of Management, Deloitte Ltd, DeltaSoft Ltd, DOOR Training & Consulting, Marsh Brokers Ltd, Oracle Hellas, S.K. Stirixis Educational & Consulting Ltd.


08:30 | 09:00 Registration – Coffee

09:00 | 09:10 Welcome by the Conference Co – Chairpersons
Mr Panayiotis Thrasyvoulou
, Secretary of the Board of Directors – CyHRMA
Mrs Miranda Archontidou
, Group HR Manager – Hyperion Systems Engineering Ltd

09:10 | 09:30 Opening Speech
Mr George Pantelides
, President of the Board of Directors – CyHRMA 
Mrs Zeta Emilianidou
, Minister of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance 

09:30 | 10:15 Keynote Address: The Future of HR in a Digital Age
Mr David Alan Conradie, Partner, Human Capital Advisory Services – Deloitte Consulting S.r.l.

10:15 | 10:45 ΗR & Training Metrics
Mr Antonios Daskos
, Managing Director & Master Trainer – DOOR Training & Consulting Greece – Cyprus

10:45 | 11:15 Coffee Break & The Exhibition Experience!

11:15 | 11:40 Companies’ current Challenges in Employment Law
Mr Stylianos N. Christoforou, Managing Partner – Stylianos Christoforou & Co. LLC

11:40 | 12:05 “Gender Equality Employer” Certification
Mrs Marina Ioannou-Hasapi, Director – Department of Labour Relations

12:05 | 13:25 Talent Management

12:05 | 12:25 Nestle needs Youth – the Global Initiative of Nestle for Youth Employability
Mrs Polyxeni Kiouri, Human Resources Director Greece & SEE Reg. – Νestle Hellas

12:25 | 12:45 Talents Empowerment Retail STEP FORWARD!
Mr Dimitris Stavropoulos, Talent Acquisition & Development Manager – Public (Retail World SA)

12:45 | 13:05 Dynamic Store Manager Program: Developing The Leaders of Our Stores
Mr Gregory Sofroniou, Senior Consultant Learning Development – Lidl Cyprus

13:05 | 13:25 Question & Answer Session

13:25  | 14:25 Lunch & The Exhibition Experience! 

14:25 | 15:20 Workplace Well Being

14:25 | 14:45 Balancing Work and Life at the Cyprus University of Technology
Mrs Valentina Toumaniou, Strategic Human Resources Officer – Cyprus University of Technology

14:45 | 15:05 Manage Your Stressors: Escape the Squeeze | Unlock the Chains | Breather Free
Mr Graham Nugent, Director –MANDEVCO International Ltd

15:05 | 15:20 Question & Answer Session

15:20  | 15:30 Conference Closing

Note: We will finish at 16:00 as extra time will be provided in between speeches for the exhibitors’ presentations.

Speakers & Sessions

Speech: The Future of HR in a Digital Age
by David Alan Conradie

Today’s workforce is changing. It’s more digital, more global, diverse, automation-savvy, and social media- proficient. At the same time, business expectations, needs, and demands are evolving faster than ever before. Welcome to the ‘VUCA’ world! With these challenges come significant opportunities. In particular the opportunity to reimagine HR, talent, and organizational practices. To be effective in the digital age, business and HR leaders can no longer continue to operate according to old paradigms. This keynote presentation will cover the results of the 2017 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends survey, the largest and most extensive survey of its kind to date, with input from more than 10,400 senior business and HR leaders representing a broad cross-section of industries across 140 countries. The focus will be on 10 areas identified by the survey, in which organizations will need to close the gap between the pace of change and the challenge of leading, organizing, motivating, managing, and engaging the 21st-century workforce. Examples of innovative HR solutions developed to address the challenges of the new digital reality will also be shared.

Speaker’s Biography

David Alan Conradie is a Partner in the Human Capital Service Area of Deloitte Consulting, Italy. He has over 15 years’ experience consulting to organisations globally on human capital related matters, having served as a member of the Deloitte Consulting Global Talent Steering Committee and as Global Head of Talent Analytics. His past career experience includes being a Partner with Deloitte Consulting, Africa (12 years), Principal: Talent and Leadership with Top Talent Solutions (3 years), as well as various specialist and CHRO positions in the Financial Services industry in South Africa. His particular areas of specialisation include Strategic Talent Management, Leadership Succession Planning and Management, People and Workforce Analytics, Employee Engagement and Employer Branding. He is a published author on a number of these specialisations and has been an invited speaker at numerous national and international conferences. David holds a Master of Arts degree (cum laude) in Industrial Psychology. He is a registered Organisational Psychologist with the South African Health Professions Council, a member of The Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology, and is past Chairman of the Membership and Professional Designation Committee of the Institute of People Management of Southern Africa.

Speech: HR & Training Metrics
by Antonios Daskos

Human Resource (HR) and Training metrics are measurements used to determine the value and effectiveness of HR and Training initiatives. It is often required of Human Resource and Training departments to show the organizational value of money and time spent on human resources management training and activities. HR’s challenge is to provide business leaders with actionable information that helps them make decisions about investments, marketing strategies and new products. HR and Training metrics are a vital way to quantify the cost and the impact of employee programs and HR processes and measure the success (or failure) of HR and Training initiatives. They enable a company to track year-to year-trends and changes in these critical variables. It is how organizations measure the value of the time and money spent on HR and Training activities in their organization. In this session you will get a guideline of the most important HR & Training metrics you need to use.

Speaker’s Biography

Antonios Daskos is the managing director of DOOR Greece and DOOR Cyprus Training & Consulting. He has over 17 years’ experience in training and development of employees from many organisations globally. He is an international trainer and facilitator for DOOR International. His past career experience includes being an executive for Bull, Microsoft and Mercedes Benz. His particular areas of specialisation include Experiential Training in Leadership, Sales, Customer Service, Customer Experience, Accountability, Presentation Skills and Public Speaking, Coaching, Negotiations, Employee Engagement, Train The Trainer and People Management. He is HR & Training ROI Certified and expert in Training Needs Analysis (TNA). He is certified International facilitator for Microsoft, Phillip Morris and Harley Davidson SEE. He has been involved in many international projects including Corporate Academies, Employee Assessment Centers (Leadership, Development etc.), 360 Feedback systems, Employee satisfaction surveys, Business Simulation Training. Antonis, is also an expert in designing result based training programs. He has helped many organizations to develop their HR & Training dashboard with HR & Training metrics. He holds a Master in Software engineering and a Master in Business Administration. He is a member of American Talent Association (ATD).

Speech: Companies’ current Challenges in Employment Law
by Stylianos N. Christoforou

Do you need legal advice? Ask our lawyer! All questions should be sent to info@cyhrma.org no later than 17 May. Stylianos N. Christoforou will respond to the questions at the day of the Conference.

Speaker’s Biography

Stylianos N. Christoforou, LLB, LLM, Barrister at Law
After practicing law with some of most renowned organisations in Cyprus, he established Stylianos Christoforou & Co LLC in 2005. He is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators of England and Wales, Qualified Lecturer on Legal Matters and Qualified Insolvency Practitioner. He is consulting a large number of businesses on Corporate Legal matters including but not limited to Employment law, Tax law and Corporate Governance. He has successfully represented Employers in all pioneer High Court cases related to Transfer of Undertakings. Outside the Court room, he has handled one of the major Industrial Relations Cases in the Republic, representing 180 employees. Having a vast experience in the field, Stylianos is considered to be one of the most prominent practitioners in the area of Corporate law in Cyprus.

Speech: Gender Equality Employer Certification
by Marina Ioannou – Hasapi

Do you need legal advice? Ask our lawyer! All questions should be sent to info@cyhrma.org no later than 17 May. Stylianos N. Christoforou will respond to the questions at the day of the Conference.

Speaker’s Biography

Marina Ioannou – Hasapi has studied Accounting and Finance at the University of Essex. She then obtained a Master’s degree in Public Sector Management, a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) and a PhD in Labour Relations. She has 23 years experience in the Department of Labour Relations and as of March 2015, she is the Director of the Department of Labour Relations of the Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance. The Department is responsible for safeguarding and maintaining industrial peace and healthy conditions in the area of industrial relations with a view to achieving social cohesion, productivity in work, the establishment of democratic practices and the achievement of socio-economic progress. Dr. Hasapi deals with all policy issues related to labour relations and specifically with the enforcement, monitoring and inspection of the application of the harmonized labour legislation, the prevention and settlement of industrial disputes, the promotion of the principle of equal treatment between employees, with special emphasis on the principle of equal pay between men and women and the protection of vulnerable groups of workers. She was a member of the board of the Cyprus Organization for the Hallmarking of Articles of Precious Metals (ASSAY) as well as a member of the board of Cyprus Human Resource Management Association, and has taught Labour Relations at the University of Cyprus and at The Mediterranean Institute of Management (MIM).

Speech: Nestle needs Youth – the global initiative of Nestle for youth employability
by Polyxeni Kiouri

Nestlé has a long tradition of recruiting young people directly from schools or universities. In 2013 youth unemployment in Europe was at a critical level, and we felt we could do even more to help address it. Focusing on creating first job experiences, we launched the Nestlé needs YOUth initiative, which promotes job creation, in addition to strengthening and developing the skills and employability of young people. It also mobilizes companies and non-governmental organizations to unite and further support the youth, through the Alliance for YOUth initiative. Nestlé will offer 15,000 apprenticeships and traineeships as part of an overall commitment to offer 35,000 work opportunities for young people in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa by 2020. This commitment is part of its Global Youth Initiative to help young people across the world develop skills and become more employable. The company has already offered 32,000 opportunities in Europe, exceeding its initial target of 20,000 in the region.

Speaker’s Biography

Polyxeni Kiouri, Human Resources Director Nestle Hellas and South East European Region (Greece, Bulgaria, Romania).She was born and raised in North Africa, where she graduated from the French School.She studied Political Science and International Relations at the Kapodistrian University of Athens.Polly has more than 16 years of working experience in the field of Human Resources Management, having held positions of increasing responsibility – namely Head of Recruitment, Project Manager for large technology and cultural transformation projects, HR Business partner. She has been holding her current position since September 2011.

Speech: Talents Empowerment Retail STEP FORWARD!
by Dimitris Stavropoulos

The Public network of stores was established in 2005 and managed to create a “Love Brand” in Greece & Cyprus, given the combination of high level services and entertainment experience with the most complete range of products available. Public stores have become a reference point in every city – where everybody can enjoy unique moments of entertainment – and thus earning Public the loyalty and respect of customers.

HR Leadership, committed to its “Agile Business Partner” HR Operating model, along with our new CEO strategy, implemented an innovative way of dealing with Talents Empowerment, focusing on Workplace Climate. Our target is to point out the achievements of our HIPOs, supporting simultaneously the colleagues to deliver their tasks more effectively through employee development coaching!

The main pillars of “PUBLIC Performance Management Strategy” are:
– evaluating both the delivery way and employee performance outcome, through the Continuous, Direct & Honest Feedback of People Managers,
– taking into consideration each target completion within the actual Business Environment, along with Team Collaboration and Cross-year Achievements,
– fostering Performance Review outcomes based on certain actions & project delivery, avoiding standardized duties and scaling systems,
– enabling People Managers to deal with each employee role uniqueness, building Career Paths and enhancing Succession Planning!

Speaker’s Biography

Striving to revolutionize human resources the same way that Olympia Group, Westnet and PUBLIC have revolutionized entrepreneurship, wholesale and retail in Greece, Cyprus & South Eastern Europe, Dimitris Stavropoulos holds the position of Talent Acquisition & Development Manager focusing on People Empowerment innovation and Business Effectiveness culture! His 10-year HR Management experience, acting as true People Strategy Partner, encompasses his involvement in Organizational Development, Talent Acquisition, Employer Branding & Performance Management assignments & projects for several multinational organizations of high-performing individuals, like Microsoft, First Data Corporation & Olympia Group of Companies. Dimitris acquired both his M.Sc. in Human Resources Management & Bachelor in Business Administration in Athens University of Economics & Business, having research cooperation with City University of London on Business Evaluation. He published a variety of Human Resources Strategy articles with topics like “The evolution of Generation Z”, “Employer Branding as Talents Empowerment mean”, “Replacing Annual Reviews & Scale Systems with Millennials Development Coaching”, “Recruitment & Hiring Effectiveness”, “Cultivating Retail HIPOs”, “Re-approaching Corporate Benefits in a Work/life Balance flexible orientation” and was awarded many times in contests like Best Workplaces, EEDE HR Excellence Awards & HR Professional HR Awards, representing Microsoft, Public and so forth.

Speech: Dynamic Store Manager Program: Developing The Leaders of Our Stores
by Gregory Sofroniou

The Dynamic Store Manager Program is a 2year project, which has been running in Greece and Cyprus. It is the an swer to the need for more power, authority and leadership to be transferred to the frontline. Customers of today are more sophisticated than ever, and the role of the Store Manager in meeting their needs is crucial. Upgrading this role required the change of the recruiting process and a very well thought and planned project, to develop the skills as well as the knowledge of the Store Managers.

In this presentation, we will share the strategic thinking behind the program, the 4 steps we undertook, the important role of the C-level management, the constraints, the difficulties and the pitfalls, during the project rollout. We will also discuss how we worked with the change of the dynamics in the management teams, which occurred with the new role and responsibilities of the Store Managers.

Finally, we will share the results of this project until now: Against the targets which we had set when we planned the project, but also the changes in the store teams’ motivation and working environment, that came as a bonus!

Speaker’s Biography

With a Master’s Degree in Hotel Management with a Human Resources Development Specialization, Gregory Sofroniou has undertaken several organic roles within leading 5 star hotels in Cyprus, before starting his career in the consulting services. Gregory has a proven track record of providing exemplary levels of service to a broad range of B2B Customers, including the outsourcing of HR Management for two 5 star hotels in Limassol and Pafos. At the same time, Gregory has started offering training and coaching, specializing in hotel management, customer service and team management. Mr Sofroniou has started working for Lidl Cyprus in 2013, as HR Support and Development Manager. For the last four years, he has supported the expansion of Lidl Cyprus, from 7 to 16 stores and from 250, to 550 employees, while adopting new human resources strategies that support the global profile of Lidl. In the Conference, he is presenting one of the most important HR projects he has planned and coordinated for Cyprus, the Dynamic Store Management of Lidl. His personal passions include constant learning, nature and extreme sports. He lives in Limassol.

Speech: Balancing Work and Life at the Cyprus University of Technology
by Valentina Toumaniou

Work-life balance and well-being among employees has become imperative for any organization in order to ensure enhanced performance efficiency, particularly in this era of highly competitive business environment. The basic premises of work-life balance models focus on role conflict, role enhancement and role balance.

Cyprus University of Technology has introduced a series of HR practices and policies to promote work and non-work roles reconciliation and prevent work and non-work conflict.

A basic component of this set of work-life balance practices is the introduction of an employee health & wellness program named “Health & Wellness Days at CUT”.The program is developed with a holistic approach to encourage employees to lead healthier and more rewarding lives. Through a variety of activities it raises awareness for issues that fall under five main pillars: health, physical activity, wellness, family and mental wellbeing. At the same time, it creates a supportive environment for staff members to engage long-term to healthier habits.

Speaker’s Biography

Valentina Toumaniou is a passionate HR professional that combines creativity and HR expertise to create HR value. She obtained her BSc in Marketing and Communication from Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB). She continued her studies in the Cyprus International Institute of Management (CIIM) where she obtained her MBA and an MSc in Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior. In 2008 she joined Cyprus University of Technology as a Human Resources Officer. She gained hands on experience in building and developing the HR function at different stages of business and she was exposed in all facets of human resources. Her current assignment involves the alignment of existing human resources policies and introduction of new, to support strategic performance.

Speech: Manage Your Stressors: Escape the Squeeze: Unlock the Chains: Breather Free
by Graham Nugent

Anything, everything can be stressful – getting the children off to school, the traffic, the boss, clients, the people around you. Even Trump ! The result – our heart beats faster, the pattern of our breathing changes becoming shallow and labored; our thoughts darting, exploring, searching for solutions creating feelings of panic and helplessness which can threaten to overwhelm us. Its life! But stress can be managed and in this short presentation you will better understand the nature of stress and be given the keys to unlock the chains to breathe free. Keys that reflect a depth of practical experience : keys that will improve the quality of your life.

Speaker’s Biography

A senior banker and H.R. professional, with forty years management experience, working internationally but largely in the Middle East, Graham Nugent is the owner and Managing Director of MANDEVCO International who provide H.R. consultancy services and programs of training in many parts of the world for banks, companies and Government institutions. Embracing and introducing experiential learning methodologies in the GCC its flagship Workshop ONE GREAT TEAM has been delivered 800 times, for 600 clients including 37 multi-nationals and 32 banks, experienced by over 60,000 participants – probably the most successful team and team leader development learning platform in the world. A well experienced H.R. and Training Professional Graham is a highly accomplished and charismatic Trainer and Conference Speaker with an engaging, energetic and enthusiastic style. He now lives in the village of Lefkara.


Gold Sponsor

Deloitte is one of the largest and fastest growing professional organizations in Cyprus, providing a full range of services in Audit & Enterprises Risk Services, Consulting, Financial Advisory and Tax, through its offices in Nicosia, Limassol and Larnaca. With more than 200,000 professionals, in 150 countries, Deloitte brings unique knowledge and experience, delivering world class excellence and giving you the benefit of a global firm with a local and personal touch. Our Human Capital Services, part of the world’s largest HR Consulting Firm, with over 5.000 HR professionals, provide unrivalled breadth and depth of services to help our clients maximize the value of their people and to support business improvement and change. We differentiate ourselves by delivering strategic and practical HR solutions which range from helping companies align their people and business strategies to reorganising their service delivery models and improving their HR systems and policies. We support a wide clientele that consists among others the most recognized organisations in Cyprus and internationally.

Silver Sponsor

CIIM – The Cyprus International Institute of Management is a non-profit international business school established in 1990. CIIM has received unique international accreditations, CIIM MBA is among the top 1% MBA programmes in the world. CIIM differs with its international faculty coming from top Universities worldwide (such as Harvard, Cambridge, Yale, UCL). There is also the CIIM Executive Education Centre which provides professional qualifications and seminars. Furthermore, the CIIM ENTICE department with its unique achievements regarding entrepreneurship and innovation. CIIM was ranked by Eduniversal in 2016 as the Best Business School in Cyprus.

Deltasoft was established by a team of expert software consultants with extensive knowledge and experience in the area of Human Resource Management software solutions to provide high quality, targeted Human Capital Management software consultancy solutions with a focus on offering best of breed tools and applications that help transform HR professionals into strategic business partners in their respective organizations. Whilst DeltaSoft’s client base is primarily in Cyprus and Greece, the company has a number of clients in Eastern Europe as well as the Middle East. More recently, in response to growing demand for high quality, high value Human Resource and Payroll Services, DeltaSoft have enhanced their service offering with the introduction of DeltaLink ALTUS, a Human Capital Management solution based on SAP, with complete and comprehensive coverage of the employee lifecycle, a talent management suite focused on identifying, engaging, developing and retaining your workforce and social collaboration tools that bring together people, information and business processes to achieve optimum business results. All of this with deployment options ranging from cloud-based to hosted or hybrid.


The Exhibition Experience!

Exhibitors in alphabetical order:

British Council (Cyprus)
Cyprus International Institute of Management
Deltasoft Ltd
DOOR Training
Marsh Brokers Limited
S.K.Stirixis Educational & Consulting

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