

O Κυ.Συ.ΔΑΔ διεξήγαγε διαδικτυακή έρευνα μεταξύ 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2024 και 1 Μαρτίου 2024 με θέμα την “Τηλεργασία και την Ευημερία”, σε σχέση με τις ανάγκες, τις πιθανές προκλήσεις και τις καλές πρακτικές που εφαρμόζονται στην Κύπρο.  Η πολύτιμη συμβολή των Μελών μας στην διαδικτυακή  έρευνα βοήθησε στο να συλλέξουμε πολύτιμες πληροφορίες και να καταγράψουμε πιθανές ανησυχίες, οι...
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A research team at the University of Amsterdam Business School, consisting of Dr. Stefan T. Mol, Peter van der Linden and Nihan Kutahnecioglu, conducted a research on managerial personnel selection methods in European organizations in which the CyHRMA has participated in 2012. This research investigated the following: when it comes to deciding which methods to...
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The War for Talent: Finding and Keeping Good People Your organisations’ success is determined by the performance of your people. Successful organisations are those that are winning the war for talent and who are able to link tools, systems, people and processes together. This will result to higher productivity levels, employees working at their peak,...
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Smooth and accelerated transition through Appreciative Coaching The world is changing faster than the organizations. Organizations in order to survive and prosper within an increasingly competitive business environment, they have to maximize their operational efficiency while at the same time they have to constantly improve the quality of their products and services. As a consequence,...
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Technology is gradually changing the way HR practitioners are approaching their operating models Surveys have shown that an increasing percentage of organizations use the Internet or Intranet to deliver HR services to employees. Global investment in HR technology and software is continuing to grow. The number of employers expecting to replace their core HR system...
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Strategy, as described in most text books, concerns value creation for a firm — defined as the creation of customer and economic value. Customer value must be achieved in order to capture economic value which enables the sustainability of the enterprise and the rewarding of investors. HR has aspired to be a “strategic” partner with...
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by Emma-Louise Elsey How focused are you? Do Interruptions Get in the Way of Achieving Your Tasks and Goals? How often do you get into a state of flow? You’re super-focused, you’re making fantastic progress and suddenly, you’re out. You’re interrupted. You pick up the phone to answer a call, you’re tempted by a “ting”...
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By Michael Virardi I recently read a joke on LinkedIn that I would love to share with you! It was about a big corporation that hired several cannibals. “You are all part of our team now,” said the HR manager during the welcome briefing. “You get all the usual benefits and you can go to...
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by Steffen Maier Improve company culture and have a team full of happy, productive and passionate people. Some companies are revered for the way they keep employees engaged and passionate about their work. Here, we share with you five of the best organizations with the most engaged staff who go the extra mile, and share...
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Sometimes people come up to me and say: “Where is the human factor in HR analytics? You can not put a number on everything, in the end we are talking about people, right?” I really think we have to turn that around. I believe that you are forgetting the human factor if you are not applying analytics. Let me...
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