
Agrotou Eleana


Ηead of Learning & Development – XM

Main duties:
-In coordination and after the approval of the President, convenes the Meetings of the Board of Directors and the Annual General Meetings, preparing and sending for this purpose the agenda and any other material required for the smooth conduct of the meetings of the Board of Directors.
– Prepares the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors and theAnnual General Meetings and distributes them to all those involved.
–  Signs together with the President the Minutes of the Board of Directors Meetings.
– Manages the correspondence of the Association always in coordination with the President.
– Maintains and updates the Policy Manual, the Operations Manual, the Procedures Manual and any related procedures of the Association.
– Organizes the Annual General Meeting of the Association in cooperation with the Assistant Secretary and the Officer of the Association
-Undertakes any other important tasks assigned to him/her by the President.


Eleana is a Head of Learning & Development at XM. Previously was employed at the HR Division of Hellenic Bank since February 2018 following the acquisition of ex-Cooperative Bank, after spending 2 years at Deloitte. She has experience in several fields of HR such as recruitment and selection, performance and talent management assessment, training, career planning, coaching and HR analytics. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from University of Cyprus, a master’s degree in Human Resources Organization from London School of Economics (LSE) and she is currently a PhD candidate with scholarship in Business Administration School at University of Cyprus. Eleana is a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), board member of CyHRMA and a certified coach accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).