
Stress Management Techniques

15 October 2014

On the 15th of October 2014, the CyHRMA in collaboration with the Cyprus University of Technology in Limassol organized an open lecture for students and unemployed people titled “Stress Management Techniques”. The lecture speaker was Mr. Martinos Demosthenous, Human Resources Manager – Remedica Ltd.

The lecture purpose was to provide participants with useful techniques and a way of living in order to manage stress and balance its levels. The presentation started with definitions and significant studies on stress along with the mechanism of stress (fight or flight). The importance of balanced levels of stress was underlined by distinguishing “eustress” from “distress”. Causes and symptoms of stress were also identified along with its consequences through statistics data.

Focus was given to the procedure to be followed for handling stress and the techniques to better manage it including scheduling, nutrition, exercise, time for fun and relaxation, sleep, sharing thoughts and worries and avoiding unhealthy ways of coping with stress such as smoking, alcohol, drugs etc. A long discussion was made on how these techniques are applicable during the employment search and especially the interview process. In addition, the participants had the opportunity to go through case studies on which they were asked to diagnose the causes of stress and suggest solutions.

At the end, there was an enthusiastic participation during the Q&A session.

Presentation – Material