
Tackling cancer at work: The employers' role

22 November 2022

In many European countries, one in three people will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 75. Therefore, as an HR professional, an employer or manager, you are likely to face a situation when your employees or their loved ones are affected by cancer. And although cancer awareness has greatly increased in the last decades, managing cancer at work is still a taboo, with a key challenge being poor communication between employees diagnosed with cancer and their employers.

Within this context, CyHRMA organized a Business Breakfast on the subject of “Tackling cancer at work: the employers’ role” on the 22nd of November, at Hellenic Bank, in Nicosia. The breakfast was supported by PASYKAF and sponsored by Hellenic Bank.

The presenters was Ms. Artemis Komatina (Counseling Psychologist/Psychosocial Service Coordinator of PASYKAF) and Ms Emily Panayiotou (Social worker, PASYKAF)

During breakfast 40 participants had the opportunity to ask questions and share experiences. Participants found the breakfast really interesting and beneficial. The participants also received guides designed by the ECL – Association of European Cancer Leagues containing guidelines and good practices for handling such issues in the workplace.

Presentation-«Ξεπερνώντας τα Εμπόδια γύρω από τον Καρκίνο και την Εργασία: Ο Ρόλος του Εργοδότη»
ECL Handbook of Employers-How to manage Cancer at Work